Privacy Policy

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Privacy Statement

WeTalkLaw protects your personal data and we set out below our practises and your rights. Any amendment will be made on this web site.

We are bound by EU general Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). The controller for processing personal data for WeTalkLaw (Data Controller) is WeTalkLaw 38 Sussex Square Brighton BN2 5AD. Email [email protected].

If you have any questions about this privacy notice or personal data processing practise or on your rights contact the Data Controller as above.

When you contact us it is mandatory to provide us with basic personal data such as your name and contact details. We will use this data for the purpose of providing legal services to you and for other purposes related to that purpose. We may also use your details to manage and develop a relationship with you and send you communications. We will disclose your personal data to third parties who provide services which assist us with your matter and to third parties who are involved in your matter.

By giving us your data you consent to us using it in the way described and have the right at any time to withdraw that consent by contacting us.

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