Divorce solicitors in London

Divorce solicitors in London, finding a divorce solicitor in London Divorce solicitors in London, finding a divorce solicitor in London. But what’s the first step? How long will it take? What’s better – to start proceedings myself or have my spouse do so? Is it likely to get nasty? Do I need to go to…

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Legal custody,Legal custody UK

Legal custody is a legal status that gives parents the authority to make decisions about their children’s welfare. Custody may be awarded jointly to both parents, or one parent alone. Joint legal custody is said to be in the best interests of the child, as it ensures that both parents can make decisions about their…

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UK Immigration!

UK immigration laws are currently affecting us all in the way that there is no fuel at petrol pumps. UK immigration laws are contributing to supermarkets struggling to keep their shelves stocked.  UK immigration rules limiting non-skilled workers’ ability to enter the UK … are contributing to these difficulties, as has Brexit. UK Immigration, the…

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Employment law issues in 2021

Employment law (key issues in 2021)discussion & review. Employment law issues in 2021 Employment law issues in 2021. The aftermath of the covid 19 pandemics is likely to be massive redundancies. Employees may react very differently to the news that they’re being made redundant. Some may be delighted as that may be the opportunity to…

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 Custody(the biggest misconceptions in English law) One of the biggest misconceptions in English law is the notion of   Custody. We don’t have custody in England. We separate out parental rights and the issue of a child’s care. Even if you have parental responsibility. This is the decision-making powers in relation to a child. This include…

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Absent fathers right’s UK

Absent fathers right’s UK. Should absent fathers fear child support? Absent fathers rights UK. Why Should absent fathers fear child support? If it is not you, you may know or aware of someone that is not participating in a child’s life and is required to pay child support. Absent fathers right’s UK… If a brief…

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Divorce Advice UK

( Divorce Advice UK) Divorce Advice UK, sometimes when couples decide to proceed with a divorce. Often the divorce involves a child. The need to keep the ongoing relationship between the child and some family members is even more essential. This may be beneficial for the wellbeing and stability of the child.Since the relations between…

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Injunction-obtaining a court injunction the UK

An injunction is a judicial order restraining an individual from starting or continuing an action threatening or invading the legal right of another individual or compelling a person to carry out a certain act, e.g. to make restitution to an injured party. There are two types of injunction in the UK: interim and final. Interim…

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Weekend solicitors

Weekend Solicitors Nationwide Speak To An Expert Now ==>  0203 002 4898  Weekend Solicitors, we’ all wish to have a trouble-free life without ever needing the advice of a lawyer or solicitor. Even law-abiding people sometimes find themselves in a situation requiring legal advice. Most law firms close for the weekend unless they’re criminal lawyers…

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firework laws

Firework Laws and Regulations

As winter is swiftly approaching, Bonfire Night is just around the corner. We thought we’d tell you all about the regulations around fireworks and firework displays. Not only can this blog help you to understand the law, but help keep you safe too.   Who can buy fireworks? Firstly, it depends on the type of…

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